The best way to remove face pigmentation is to combine skin treatments and skincare products.
Here are 4 steps to a good routine you can follow to reduce pigmentation:
These treatments are more expensive than the skincare products, but if you can afford them, use them. Some of these treatments are:
Some treatments, like skin needling and dermabrasion, can be used for skin maintenance. You don’t necessarily have to do them when pigmentation occurs.
These treatments do a lot more for the skin than just removing pigmentation.
These treatments should only be administered by a professional and should not be tried at home.
Ditch the regular facials and get these treatments done instead. Keep the regular facials for when you want a relaxing time.
Use pigmentation-inhibiting skincare products regularly.
If you are currently experiencing any skin trauma, use them more frequently than usual.
The trauma we are talking about here is from acne, breakouts on the skin and skin inflammation due to other minor injuries/allergies.
Below are some good pigment-inhibiting ingredients:
Pigment-inhibiting ingredients reduce the production of excess melanin.
Melanin is a pigment in the skin that gives it its colour and protects it from environmental irritants.
An excess amount of this pigment is often produced in the skin, leading to hyperpigmentation.
Use anti-inflammatory skincare products almost every day. Inflammation is the reason behind pigmentation.
Below are some good anti-inflammatory ingredients:
There are two types of pigmentation: hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation.
Hypopigmentation occurs when a portion of the skin is paler than the rest, while hyperpigmentation occurs when a portion of the skin is darker than the rest.
Both types of pigmentation occur due to inflammation. Inflammation sets off the reactions and processes that either darken the area or make it paler.
Most people use moisturisers daily, so why not use one with anti-inflammatory ingredients?
Use sunscreen and reapply regularly. Remember that the sun’s rays can travel through glass, so sunscreen is a must, even indoors.
Sun’s UV rays are the most significant cause of both types of pigmentation: hyper and hypo.
Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Make sure it is at least SPF 30.